Thursday, March 21, 2013

7 Ways To Cheer Your Kids Up On A Rainy Day LadyPens

You know those days been pouring for hours (or even day) and the kids have the Rainy Day Blues. Here are some simple ways to cheer them up and keep them entertained until the weather clears up.

What child doesn love to make and of course eat cookies. Whip up a batch of your favorite chocolate chip or sugar cookie dough. Make them special by adding some small candies like mini M With sugar cookies, you can keep the kids busy even longer by letting them cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Bake the cookies, and then pour everyone a big glass of milk to serve with the warm baked treats.

Remember those boxes of board games that have been collecting dust in the closet? Dig one of them out and ask the kids to join you for a fun game of Candyland, Memory or The Game Of Life. Just grab one of your old favorites and share it with the kids. Card games also work well.

As long as it not too cold outside and of course only while there are no thunderstorms in the area, playing in the rain can be a lot of fun. Get everyone dressed in their rain gear (including boots) and go jump in some puddles. I bet you have forgotten how much fun that can be and the kids won believe Mom is actually outside jumping around with them. What a great way to bond with your kids.

When was the last time you snuggled up on the couch with the kids and watched a movie together? Rainy days are perfect for this. Pop some popcorn and enjoy the show. Take it even further by reenacting scenes later, or making a craft that relates to the movie.

What child doesn love to build a tent or fort? When it pouring outside, bring the fun inside. Throw a blanket over a few chairs for a quick tent hide away, or take the cushions off the couch and build a fort. Spread an old blanket or a towel out on the floor and serve the kids lunch in their tent or fort.

Playing dress up is another great way to spend a fun afternoon with the kids. Start by raiding your closet and any Halloween costumes you have been saving for next year. A white shirt will become a doctor white coat. Your prom dress or even a fancy blouse will turn your little girl into a princess or beauty queen. Make other props out of cardboard boxes, construction paper and anything else you can find around the house.

Do you have a craft box? If not, just grab some construction paper, scissors, glue and some old magazines. The kids will be busy for hours making collages or creating storybooks. For younger kids keep a few coloring books and a box of crayons handy. Read our full Terms of Service.

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