Working from home is many people's dream job. After all, where else will you get unlimited coffee breaks, the most relaxed dress code possible, and the ability to work whatever hours you want?
This type of work is often billed as being ideal for stay at home moms, but they're not the only ones who can get a lot of benefits out of a job from home. Just about anyone with the aptitude and interest could enjoy working without leaving the house.
However, there are some downsides to working on your own. You don't have any co-workers to chat with. You make the hours, which means you need to stay motivated to work them. It can also get pretty lonely. So, how do you make working from home fun, after the initial excitement wears off? Here are a few ideas to keep you from getting lonely, worn down, or just plain unmotivated.
1. Keep busy! That doesn't mean you have to do the same thing all the time, however. If you're having trouble on one project, switch to another. If work isn't going well, stop. After all, many people are paid for their work at home positions by the job, not the hour.
That means keeping productivity up is important if you want to make a decent wage. Try a few online surveys - they're interesting and they'll make you a few bucks. Have lunch, read a chapter or two of a book, then get back to your project and see if you feel more motivated.
2. Schedule time to be social. If you have friends who keep regular jobs, try taking your lunch or coffee breaks when they do and visit with them for a while. This might seem at first like an interruption to your day, but it can make working at home a lot less lonely. Remember - almost no one functions well without input from other people.
3. Leave the house occasionally, even if you have to split up errands. Go for a walk, get some exercise, and remember that there are places other than your office. Take your laptop to the local coffee shop for a change of pace or to the local bookstore, if the commotion won't distract you from your work.
4. Work with others! Have some friends who also work at home bring their laptops or paperwork over if you have a job that can be done socially. If you can avoid getting distracted, this kind of work can make the day go a lot more quickly.
If your job doesn't allow for in person working with other people, get a good instant messenger account. Don't let it take over your day, of course, but the ability to chat with other people and to have virtual coworkers can help you beat the loneliness.
5. Be realistic about your abilities. One real pitfall for many people working on their own is the tendency to overestimate what they can do. Never base your regular performance on your best day. The chances you'll be able to do that everyday are poor, and you'll just feel overworked and rushed. You won't always be turning out your best work.
Instead, keep track of how much you can do on a good, bad, and average day, and decide how much to expect of yourself. This will give you a more appropriate work pace and keep you from getting overwhelmed. When you can take things as they come, working at home is a lot more fun!
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